Friday, November 16, 2007

Importing a Honda CRV from the US into Canada: Comments from UCanImport Subscriber

Submitted by UCanImport Subscriber:

" I am bit puzzled to hear that Honda is not letting CRV 2008 models to be imported from U.S.A. As per the NAFTA Free Trade agreement the trade barriers are lifted between U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. Then why is it Honda has put restrictions on Imports of 2008 CRV vehicles. If Honda is doing that, then they are violating Free Trade Agreement, hence the violators must procecuted. I have spoken to my M.P. about this and has asked him to question this in the parliament. I have spoken to Honda Canada and they say that they have no restrictions whatsoever on impotation of any Honda vehicles. I think it is the Dealers have put this restrictions on the imports from U.S.A."

Response by UCanImport:

You may consider sending this letter to your MP and expressing your frustration with the Honda and Toyota ban on new automobiles as well as the surprise immobilizer policy.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe it was a "surprise" immobilizer policy, as the Immobilizer was Government of Canada regulated for all 2008 models - and this was announced in late 2006 which is about a years notice.


I agree, it's not a surprise policy rather a surprising lack of proper implementation.

One would expect that with 4 years of anticipation that it should have been rolled out without creating such a debacle. Further, one would think that the government funded RIV would have been trained appropriately over the course of those 4 years to provide knowledgeable and true information.

Assuming that because an announcement was made in late 2006 that consumers should have had the heads up and stopped purchasing the 2008 vehicles in anticipation of the changes to the Transport Canada website, as akin to expecting Transport Canada to have used that 1 year period wisely. it the tail that wags the dog when it comes to government policy implementation?