Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Buying A Vehicle From A US Private Seller - Trip Permit Contact Info for Oregon State

If you are importing a vehicle which you purchased from a private seller in Oregon State, you will have to obtain a Trip Permit to drive your car home to Canada. A Trip Permit gives you permission to operate an unregistered vehicle.

The cost for a 21-day Trip Permit is US$20 and is issued from the Oregon DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). To find your closest branch visit http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/DMV/offices/index.shtml

You will need to present the following documents: Driver's License, Bill of Sale, Vehicle Title and Proof of Insurance (you must have a Temporary Insurance Binder from your autoplan agent in Canada).

You must remove any existing plates on the vehicle and place the Trip Permit in the back window, driver's side. This Trip Permit is only valid until you reach your destination in Canada. After that time, to travel to complete modifications, inspections and registration, you MUST have a Canadian Trip Permit issued to you by your autoplan agent.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Importing a 2007 Volkswagen GTI from the US into Canada

If you are considering importing a 2007 Volkswagen GTI from the US into Canada please note that there may be an outstanding recall on the vehicle.

The front head lamp has a clamp that was either never installed or installed incorrectly and it will have to be adjusted, re-installed or removed entirely depending on the vehicle. The recall work will be done at no charge at a Volkswagen dealership in the US. However, until this recall item is fixed, and you have a Repair Order from the dealership showing that the work was completed, Volkswagen will not issue a Recall Clearance Letter.

Telephone number for Volkswagen is 1-800-822-8987. Please telephone with the VIN and they will inform you if your vehicle is affected by this recall.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Importing a Mitsubishi from the U.S. into Canada

An importer of a Mitsubishi from the U.S. has informed UCanImport that Mitsubishi will no longer honour its warranties if the car is imported into Canada. Until now, Mitsubishi warranty coverage did not include the 10-year powertrain. Based on the new information, no part of the Mitsubishi warranty will be transferable.

If you are considering importing a Mitsubishi from the U.S. please telephone the company at 1-888-576-4878 and confirm this warranty policy.

Please investigate appropriate 3rd party warranty coverage should you wish to proceed with your purchase.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

UCanImport Publications Featured on Canada's CBC Radio

For your reference, Zabin Somani of UCanImport Publications was a featured guest on a segment on CBC Radio One (British Columbia), entitled "Buying Wheels Stateside". The focus of the segment was the fact that more and more Canadians are buying cars south of the border as the Canadian dollar hits parity with the greenback.

The segment is currently available as a recording on CBC Radio's web site. To listen, go to:


The link to the interview is about half way down the page. You can also access the interview directly from the following link:



Please note, if you don't already have it installed, you will require the Real Audio Player on your computer to play the file. You can download it for free from the following link:


(Look for the download link to the "Basic" Real Audio Player, which is free versus the the Premium Player)


UCanImport Publications

Friday, October 26, 2007

Importing A New Car From The U.S. Into Canada: New Pressure On Auto Manufacturers

Nfld. couple claims discrimination by U.S. car dealers

Associated Press
October 20, 2007 at 11:19 AM EDT

BANGOR, Maine — A Canadian couple says they were turned down dozens of times when they tried to buy a new car in the United States and are challenging what they regard as illegal discrimination.

Read entire article here

Dear Readers: At this time, H.M. Brown can and will sell you a new car, and offer you a $250 cash rebate against your travel expenses.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Importing A Vehicle from USA to Canada Via Port Angeles, WA / Victoria, B.C. Border

If you are importing a vehicle from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, B.C. you are able to do so 7 days a week. Please follow details presented in the following case study for a recent importation of a BMW 325 from the US into Canada.

Case Study: http://www.ucanimport.com/show_case_study.aspx?id=4


Hours of Operation
Documentation Requirements
  • 72 hours in advance, fax Title (back and front) to US border office at 1-360-457-7514.*
  • Follow up with phone call to 1-360-457-1221 to confirm safe and orderly receipt.
  • Confirm name of officer and provide travel details in known.
* Vehicle Export Worksheet not required for this border

At Port Angeles Coho Terminal
  • Present yourself at the US border office (a trailer located around the chainlink fence on your right when you disembark from the Coho ferry).
  • Submit original Title to officers.
  • Board the Coho back to Victoria with your new vehicle (you can arrange for the transport company to deliver the vehicle close to the terminal building).
At Victoria Terminal
  • Present yourself to the CBSA officers and pay Duty (if applicable), GST, and RIV fee.
Officers at both terminals are very helpful, knowledgeable and courteous.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Importing a Car from the U.S. into Canada using the Alexandria Bridge, New York / Lansdowne, Ontario Crossing

If you are planning to import a car into Canada via the Alexandria Bridge, New York / Lansdowne, Ontario border crossing, please note the following special requirements:

Export Hours
Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm

To arrive at the Export Control Office for Alexandria Bridge, New York, take Exit 52 (last exit) and proceed to the Cargo Processing Centre. There is plenty of parking here if the transport truck meets you at this location.

Document Requirements
72 hours in advance of crossing the border back into Canada, the office must receive the Title certificate for the car. They require the ORIGINAL Title, sent to them by traceable courier (for security) to this address:

Vehicle Export Control
46735 Interstate Route 81
Alexandria Bay, NY 13607
Tel: (315) 482-2472

Required Follow-up
After you have couriered the papers (Title and Cover Page) and determine that they should have been received, you can telephone the Export Office at (315) 482-2472 and press option #0 to speak to an officer and confirm that all was received in order.

I would use this opportunity to let them know when you plan to cross. In some cases, you may be given permission to cross earlier than 72 hours. Please note the officer's name in this case.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Importing a Honda from US into Canada: Register for Recall Information

We understand that some folks who are considering importing a Honda from the U.S. into Canada are experiencing difficulty obtaining the Recall Clearance Letter.

You many wish to visit the Honda owner page at: http://automobiles.honda.com/information/owner-resources.aspx
and sign into the Owner Link page at https://www.ahm-ownerlink.com/login.asp?brand=honda
or https://www.ahm-ownerlink.com/user_profile.asp

As a benefit of signing onto this system, you can access Recall Information for your Honda by providing the VIN.

UCanImport Publication Updates Available Free Of Charge To Subscribers

Many subscribers still do not realize that once they download the UCanImport guide, they are entitled to receive all future updates of the guide - automatically - at no extra charge.

The UCanImport guide is a step-by-step importing guide that helps you import a car from the US. It contains process and documentation information and tips on saving money along the way.

Download your guide today from http://www.ucanimport.com and start learning how you can import your new car from the US.

Pressure On Canadian Retailers To Decrease Prices

We've known for some time now that it is cheaper, in many cases, to import a car from the US than buy it from a Canadian dealership. We still haven't been able to get a straight answer from the auto manufacturers as to why this price discrepancy continues to exist.

But, guess who's making it a mission to get prices adjusted - at least at the retail level - to reflect our stronger Canadian dollar?

Here's the quote:

"It's an opportunity for us, on behalf of the Canadian people, to encourage retailers to reflect [on] their prices [and] the fact that they have an advantage with respect to costs right now," he said. "Their costs go down because of the increased value of our currency, and that should be reflected in prices. And the sooner the better."

To find out who said this, visit: http://www.ucanimport.com/show_news.aspx?id=17

Importing BMW cars into Canada: New Canadian Cash Rebates Aimed To Slow Down Imports

In an attempt to slow down the importation of BMWs from the US, BMW Canada Inc. is offering cash rebates to some customers who pay cash or finance their purchases. The rebates amount to $3,000 for cash buyers of 2007 model year cars in the company's best-selling line, the 3-series.

If you are considering importing a BMW from the US, you may want to read the complete article at http://www.ucanimport.com/show_news.aspx?id=18

To see how consumers are reacting to this news, visit:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Contact Information for Importing a Hyundai from USA to Canada

Dear Subscribers:

For those of you considering importing a Hyundai from the USA, please note that the following contact information was inadvertently left off the Manufacturers Contact List:

For Hyundai USA:

Hyundai Motor America
P.O. Box 20850
Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0850

For Hyundai Canada:

Customer Relations: 1-800-461-8242
By Email: cr@hyundaicanada.com

Canadians Prohibited From Importing Bombardier Products

Comments welcomed:

The price protectionism that we have witnessed in the auto industry is now smearing the reputation of Bombardier Recreational Products. With prices a disproportionate and unjustifiable 30 to 40 percent higher in Canada, Bombardier has taken aim against the Canadian consumer shopping in the south, by banning sales from their US dealers.

Read more at:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Vehicle Excise Tax on Cars Imported From The US - new web link

When importing a car from the U.S. please review CCRA's list of vehicles that are affected by the newly introduced Vehicle Efficiency Incentive (VEI) Excise Tax. The listing has moved and is now available at http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/whatsnew/items/list_veh-e.pdf

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Recall Clearance Letter for Jaguar Imports

Jaguar Canada will issue a Recall Clearance Letter via their US office upon receipt of a Letter of Compliance Request.

You can obtain this form by telephoning Jaguar Canada Customer Service Center at 1-800-668-6257 Monday-Friday , from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Details required on the Letter of Compliance Request included:
  • Your contact information;
  • Vehicle VIN, Model, Year;
  • Confirmation of fax number to receive a fax copy of the Recall Clearance Letter;
  • Confirmation of mailing address where they can send the original copy Recall Clearance Letter.

RIV Experiencing Processing Delays

Our subscribers who are proceeding with their importation from the US are reporting that there are delays at RIV- including telephone and fax issues- which are delaying receipt of Form 2.

Please ensure that your Temporary Insurance is valid for a few days to take into account possible delays in receiving your Form 2.

Please telephone RIV once you have faxed through your Form 1 and Recall Clearance Letter to confirm orderly receipt.

If you have any solutions to these delays, we welcome your comments.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Volvo Recall Clearance Letters Require Only A Phonecall

For our subscribers who are considering importing a Volvo from the US, the process to obtain a Recall Clearance Letter is very simple.

Telephone Volvo Canada at 1-800-663-8255 and follow the voice prompts to speak to a Customer Service Representative. Provide them with the VIN, your name, address, and phone and fax numbers.

If there are no recalls outstanding on the vehicle you will receive a Recall Clearance Letter within a couple of hours. A hard copy will be sent to you by mail.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Honda Warranty Honoured on Imports Under Certain Conditions

Submitted by: UCanImport Subscriber
Responses Welcomed
Q. If I purchase a used Honda in Canada that was originally sold as a new car in the United States, will Honda Canada provide any warranty coverage?

A. No. The reciprocal warranty agreement between Honda Canada and American Honda only covers owners who relocate from one country to the other, or owners from one country who are travelling on business or vacation in the other country. If a vehicle that was originally sold new in the United States is brought into Canada, its warranty only applies to the owner that purchased the vehicle while living in the U.S. and who imports the vehicle into Canada for their own personal or family use.

For more information contact:

Honda Customer Relations
715 Milner Avenue
Toronto, ON
M1B 2K8

Toll Free: 1-888-9-HONDA-9 (1-888-946-6329)
Hours: 8:00 am to 7:30 pm Mon to Fri (EST